Finding lncRNAs specific to target gene

For example: Manes.09G025200

Description of terminology

lncRNA loci : ID of putative lncRNAs
Biotype : Types of putative lncRNAs based on genomic location including (a) lincRNA, (b) lncNAT and (c) sense/intronic lncRNA
- lincRNA : LncRNA locating at intergenic region without protein coding genes overlapping
- lncNAT : LncRNA locating at intergenic region with protein coding genes overlapping in the opposite strand
- Sense/intronic lncRNA : LncRNA located at untranslated region or intron of protein coding gene
Target gene ID : Target gene ID in cassava genome version 6.1 based on Phytozome version 12
Relationship : Relationship of putative lncRNA and its target genes based on cis- or trans- regulation including neighboring, direct binding to mRNA of target, and target mimicry for miRNA
- Cis-regulation : Target prediction based on genomic location of protein coding gene located within 10 Kb. in up or downstream of putative lncRNA
- Trans-regulation 1 : Target prediction based on sequence complementary and normalized binding free energy (ndG) < -0.1 of putative lncRNAs and mRNA of protein coding gene target using LncTar
- Trans-regulation 2 : Target prediction based on the same mature miRNA binding with mismatch ≤ 2 of putative lncRNA and mRNA of protein coding gene target using psRNATarget
Condition : Condition which was found relationship between putative lncRNA and target gene including cold and/or drought stress
miRNA : miRNA which was found to share binding region on putative lncRNA sequence and mRNA sequence of target gene